サライ is a famous Japanese song composed and sung by Tanimura Shinji
歌詞 Lyrics :
遠い夢 すてきれずに 故郷をすてた
(Unable to abandon a faraway dream, I abandoned my hometown instead)
穏やかな 春の陽射しが ゆれる 小さな駅舎
(The tiny stationhouse wavered in the calm spring sunshine)
別離より 悲しみより 憧憬はつよく
(Much more than separation and sorrow, feelings of aspiration were strong)
淋しさと 背中あわせの ひとりきりの 旅立ち
(Carrying loneliness on my back, I set out on a journey alone)
動き始めた 汽車の窓辺を
流れてゆく 景色だけを じっと見ていた
(I stared intently at the scenery flowing past
outside the moving car window)
サクラ吹雪の サライの空は
哀しい程 青く澄んで 胸が震えた
(The oasis sky obscured by a blizzard of sakura
was a clear sorrowful blue, making my heart tremble)
恋をして 恋に破れ 眠れずに過ごす
(Loving, being broken by love, through sleepless nights)
アパートの 窓ガラス越し 見てた 夜空の星
(I stared through my apartment window glass at the stars in the nightsky)
この街で 夢追うなら もう少し強く
(If I want to chase my dreams in this city, I need to be a little bit stronger)
ならなけりゃ 時の流れに 負けてしまいそうで
(If not, I’ll be defeated by time’s passing)
動き始めた 朝の街角
人の群れに 埋もれながら 空を見上げた
(Buried in the moving crowd at the city corner in the morning,
I looked up at the sky)
サクラ吹雪の サライの空へ
流れてゆく 白い雲に 胸が震えた
(In the oasis sky obscured by a blizzard of sakura,
white clouds floated past, making my heart tremble)
離れれば 離れる程 なおさらにつのる
この想い 忘れられずに ひらく 古いアルバム
(Each separation becomes worse than the previous one;
Unable to forget this feeling, I open the old album)
若い日の 父と母に 包まれて過ぎた
やわらかな 日々の暮らしを なぞりながら生きる
(Tracing back to the gentle life when I was
surrounded by my young parents, I live through now)
まぶたとじれば 浮かぶ景色が
迷いながら いつか帰る 愛の故郷
(Closing my eyes, the scenery that surfaces
is of the lost but beloved hometown which I’ll return to someday)
サクラ吹雪の サライの空へ
いつか帰る その時まで 夢はすてない
(The oasis sky obscured by a blizzard of sakura
I’ll return someday, and until then, I won’t throw away this dream)
まぶたとじれば 浮かぶ景色が
迷いながら いつか帰る 愛の故郷
(Closing my eyes, the scenery that surfaces
is of the lost but beloved hometown which I’ll return to someday)
サクラ吹雪の サライの空へ
いつか帰る いつか帰る きっと帰るから
(The oasis sky obscured by a blizzard of sakura
I’ll return someday, and until then, I won’t throw away this dream)
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